What is an Americano? A Guide to One of the Most Popular Espresso

What is an Americano? At first glance, it may seem like a simple espresso-based drink, but it’s more complex than what meets the eye. An Americano is made by adding hot water to a shot of espresso, creating a long black coffee with a bold flavor and a smooth finish. It’s one of the most popular espresso-based drinks, especially in the United States, where it gets its name.

This guide will take a closer look at the history, preparation, and variations of the Americano, helping you discover all there is to know about this classic coffee beverage. Whether you’re a seasoned coffee enthusiast or just starting to delve into the world of specialty coffee, the Americano is a must-try for anyone who appreciates a rich, flavorful, and energizing brew.

What is an Americano?

What is an Americano

An Americano is a type of espresso-based coffee drink that originated in Europe and has become increasingly popular in the United States. It features a single shot of espresso and hot water, giving it a bold, rich flavor that’s balanced by its smooth finish. A properly made Americano will have an intense aroma and full body that provide both strength and complexity.

The drink is known for its energizing qualities, making it an ideal choice for those looking for a caffeine boost in the morning or afternoon. Its strong flavor makes it a departure from traditional drip coffee and the perfect way to explore espresso-based drinks.

The History of Americano?

Though the exact origin of Americano is unknown, its name likely originated in the United States during World War II. During this time, American troops stationed in Europe were introduced to espresso and wanted a similar flavor with less caffeine. So they began adding hot water to espresso shots, creating a brew that was easier for them to drink.

Americano Caffeine Content

The caffeine content of an Americano varies depending on the number of espresso shots used and the size of the drink. A typical Americano made with two shots of espresso and 6-8 ounces of hot water contains about 94-150 milligrams of caffeine. This is comparable to the caffeine content of a cup of drip coffee, which typically has around 95-200 milligrams.

However, it is important to note that the caffeine content of espresso coffee can vary depending on the type of coffee beans used, the grind size, and the brewing method. As a result, the caffeine content of an Americano can also vary slightly from place to place.

Here is a breakdown of the caffeine content of different sizes of Americano:

  • 6-8 ounce Americano: 94-150 milligrams of caffeine
  • 12-16 ounce Americano: 154-231 milligrams of caffeine
  • 20-24 ounce Americano: 231-347 milligrams of caffeine

It is also important to note that adding milk or cream to an Americano will not significantly affect the caffeine content. However, adding flavored syrups or other sugary drinks can increase the calorie and sugar content.
Here are some tips for choosing an Americano with the caffeine content that is right for you:

  • If you are looking for a high-caffeine drink, ask for an Americano made with double espresso.
  • If you are looking for a lower-caffeine drink, ask for an Americano made with one shot of espresso or with decaf espresso.
  • If you are sensitive to caffeine, consider ordering an Americano with half-decaf espresso.
  • You can also adjust the size of your Americano to get the desired caffeine content.

Overall, Americano is a versatile coffee drink that can be enjoyed by people with a variety of caffeine preferences. By understanding the caffeine content of Americano, you can choose the perfect drink for your needs.

Americano Variations

While the classic Americano is a simple combination of espresso and hot water, there are several variations that can be made to give the drink extra flavor. For example, an iced Americano can be made by pouring two shots of espresso over ice and then adding cold water.

Other popular variations include the French-pressed Americano (made with cold press coffee instead of espresso), the Long Americano (made with a double shot of espresso and extra hot water), and the Flat White Americano (made with two shots of espresso, steamed milk, and foam).

Americano can also be enjoyed with flavorings such as vanilla or caramel syrup to give it an added sweetness. Or for a unique twist, try adding chocolate powder or nutmeg for a hint of spice.

The Taste of an Americano

An Americano has a unique flavor profile that can be described as strong, rich, and bold. The drink is smooth and creamy with subtle hints of sweetness from the added hot water.

The taste of an Americano can vary depending on the beans used to make it. Generally, darker roasts are more bitter than lighter roasts, so if you prefer a milder taste, it’s best to go for a lighter roast.

The flavor of an Americano can also be altered by adding other ingredients such as milk, sugar, or syrups. Adding these ingredients can give the drink extra sweetness and complexity.

Overall, Americano is a versatile coffee beverage that can be enjoyed on its own or with other ingredients to suit your individual taste. Whether you’re looking for an energizing pick-me-up or a milder coffee drink, Americano is sure to satisfy. Give it a try today and find out why this classic Italian espresso beverage has become so popular around the world!

Can You Make an Americano Without An Espresso Machine?

Yes! You can make an Americano without an espresso machine by using a French press or stovetop moka pot. To make a French pressed Americano, add two tablespoons of freshly-ground coffee to the bottom of the carafe and pour in one cup of boiling water. Stir until the grounds are evenly saturated, wait for 4-5 minutes, then plunge the press down and pour.

To make a stovetop moka pot Americano, fill the base of the pot with hot water and add two tablespoons of coffee to the filter basket. Place the pot on the stove over medium heat and bring it to a boil. Once boiled, remove from heat and let it cool slightly before pouring into your cup.

Tips for Making the Perfect Americano

Making a good cup of Americano takes practice and patience. Here are some tips to help you make the perfect cup:

  • Use high-quality, freshly roasted beans. This will ensure that your coffee has the best flavor possible.
  • Grind your beans to a medium or fine texture. This will help to release the flavor and aroma of the coffee.
  • Measure out the right amount of grounds for each cup. The general ratio is 1 tablespoon (7 grams) of ground coffee per 2 ounces (60 ml) of water.
  • Use fresh, cold water when brewing your Americano. The ideal water temperature should be between 195°F-205°F (90.5°C-96.1°C).
  • For the best tasting Americano, use an espresso machine or stovetop Moka pot to make your espresso shots. If you don’t have access to either of these devices, a French press will also work.
  • After brewing your espresso shots, let them cool for a few minutes before adding hot water. This will help to ensure that the flavor of the coffee isn’t diluted by the added water.
  • Use a timer when brewing your espresso shots so that you can make sure they are not over-extracted. Overly extracted espresso shots can give your Americano a bitter taste.
  • Finally, experiment with different amounts of water to find the right strength for your taste. Start with a 3:1 ratio of espresso to hot water and adjust according to your preference.

How to Make an Americano

Making an Americano is easy and can be done in just a few simple steps:

  1. Start by brewing a shot of espresso using an espresso machine.
  2. Heat some water until it reaches the desired temperature (typically between 190-205°F).
  3. Pour the hot water into a cup.
  4. Add the espresso shot to the cup of hot water.
  5. Stir gently.
  6. Optional: Add sugar or milk to taste.

Variations of Americano

While the traditional Americano is made with just hot water and espresso, there are several variations that you can try:

Long Black

A Long Black is similar to an Americano but is made by adding the espresso shot to the hot water instead of the other way around. This method helps to maintain the crema on top of the espresso, resulting in a stronger coffee flavor.

Red Eye

A Red Eye is an Americano that contains an extra shot of espresso, making it even stronger than a regular Americano.

Black Eye

A Black Eye is an Americano that contains two extra shots of espresso, resulting in a highly caffeinated beverage.

White Americano

A White Americano is made by adding a shot of espresso to a cup of hot water and then topping it up with steamed milk. It is similar to a latte but with less milk and a stronger coffee flavor.

Related article:
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Comparisons: Americano vs. Other Espresso Drinks

What is an Americano

When compared to other espresso-based drinks, an Americano has some distinct differences:

Americano vs. Espresso

An espresso shot is a concentrated serving of coffee that is brewed under high pressure, resulting in a strong and bold flavor. In contrast, an Americano is made by diluting the espresso shot with hot water, resulting in a milder flavor.

Americano vs. Latte

A latte is a coffee drink that is made with steamed milk and a shot of espresso. It has a creamy texture and a sweeter taste than an Americano.

Americano vs. Cappuccino

Similar to a latte, a cappuccino is made with steamed milk and a shot of espresso, but it has a thicker layer of foam on top. It also has a more intense espresso flavor than an Americano.

Regular Coffee vs. Americano

Regular coffee and Americano have different origins and preparation methods.
Regular coffee is brewed by pouring hot water over ground coffee beans. The brewing process takes several minutes, and the flavor profile of regular coffee can vary depending on the type of beans used, the grind size, and how long it is brewed for.
Americano, on the other hand, is made with espresso. Espresso is a type of coffee that is brewed under high pressure and results in a strong, concentrated shot of coffee. To make an Americano, one or two shots of espresso are poured into a cup and then hot water is added.

Americano vs. Long Black

An Americano and a Long Black are both espresso-based drinks, but there are some subtle differences between the two beverages.

A Long Black is made with two shots of espresso and hot water. The espresso is typically poured into the cup first and then the hot water is added. This results in a strong coffee that has a smooth finish.

An Americano is also made with espresso and hot water, but the order in which they are added is different. The espresso is poured into a cup and then hot water is added to it. This results in a milder coffee drink than a Long Black.

The other difference between an Americano and a Long Black comes down to strength. An Americano is usually made with one shot of espresso, while a Long Black typically uses two. This means that an Americano is usually less strong than a Long Black.


Is an Americano stronger than a drip coffee?

An Americano has a stronger flavor than drip coffee since it is made with espresso, which has a higher concentration of coffee grounds. However, the strength of an Americano can be adjusted by adding more or less hot water.

How many shots of espresso are in an Americano?

A traditional Americano contains one shot of espresso, but some variations like Red Eye and Black Eye have additional shots.

Is an Americano a healthy drink?

An Americano contains fewer calories than some other coffee drinks since it does not contain milk or sugar. However, it still has caffeine, so it’s best to consume it in moderation.

Can I use decaf espresso in an Americano?

Yes, you can make an Americano with decaf espresso if you prefer a milder flavor or want to avoid caffeine.

Can I add flavor syrup to an Americano?

Yes, you can add flavor syrup to an Americano to enhance the taste. Vanilla, caramel, and hazelnut are popular choices.

What other espresso-based drinks can I make?

In addition to an Americano, you can also make a variety of other espresso-based drinks. These include a Latte, Cappuccino, Mocha, Macchiato, Flat White, and Cortado. Each drink has its own unique flavor and preparation method.

How much caffeine is in an Americano?

The amount of caffeine in an Americano typically ranges from 130-200mg per cup. This can vary depending on the type of espresso beans used, so it’s best to check the label if you’re concerned about your caffeine intake.

Does an Americano taste like regular coffee?

No, an Americano has a unique flavor that is different from regular coffee. It is typically stronger and more intense than regular drip coffee due to the concentrated espresso shot. However, you can adjust the strength of your Americano by adding more or less hot water.

How long does it take to make an Americano?

It usually takes only a few minutes to make an Americano, as it requires one or two shots of espresso and hot water. If you’re using an espresso machine, the process may be quicker since all you need to do is press a button for the espresso shot.

Can I use cold water instead of hot water to make an Americano?

Yes, you can use cold water to make an Americano. However, the flavor and strength of the drink may be different depending on the type of espresso beans used. Cold-brewed espresso typically has a smoother, sweeter taste than hot-brewed espresso.

Is an Americano just black coffee?

No, an Americano is not just black coffee. It is made with one or two shots of espresso and hot water. The flavor profile of an Americano differs from black coffee due to the concentrated espresso shot.

How is an Americano different from regular coffee?

Regular coffee is brewed by pouring hot water over ground coffee beans, whereas an Americano is made with espresso. Espresso is a type of coffee that is brewed under high pressure and results in a strong, concentrated shot of coffee. To make an Americano, one or two shots of espresso are poured into a cup and hot water is added. This results in a milder flavor than regular drip coffee.

Does Americano have milk?

No, an Americano typically does not contain milk. However, some variations of the drink may be served with a splash of milk or cream. If you would like to add milk to your Americano, try adding steamed milk and foam for a creamy texture. The result will be similar to a latte.


In conclusion, an Americano is a simple yet delicious coffee drink that is perfect for those who enjoy the bold taste of espresso with the addition of hot water to make it more palatable. It’s an excellent choice for anyone who wants to enjoy a strong coffee without the intensity of a straight espresso shot. You can experiment with different variations of the Americano to find the one that suits your taste preferences.

Whether you’re looking to start your day with a caffeine boost or need an afternoon pick-me-up, an Americano is an excellent choice that will satisfy your coffee cravings. Give it a try and see why this simple yet flavorful coffee drink has become so popular around the world.


I’m Kara Chavez, and I love coffee. I like to create some of the best coffees around – espressos, lattes, macchiatos – you name it. I strive for perfection in my coffee-making skills, and I take great pride in providing a delicious cup of joe to my customers.

I’ve been working in the coffee industry for years now, and I know everything there is to know about making a perfect cup of coffee. My passion for coffee shines through in every cup that I make, and I hope that you’ll stop by soon so that I can share my love of coffee with you!

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