Long Black vs Americano: Are They the Same or Not?

Two popular contenders are the classic Long Black vs Americano – two drinks that many people get confused about due to their close resemblance.

Making the right coffee choice can be daunting. Whether you prefer your coffee to be extra hot or light and refreshing, there are several different variations available for you to try in-store or make at home.

In this blog post, we’ll uncover what makes them both unique, discuss how they differ from each other, and give you all the tips you need to recreate these delicious coffees at home!

Understanding the Long Black

Long Black vs Americano

Origins and Background

The Long Black is a classic espresso-based drink that originated in Australia and New Zealand. It gained popularity in these countries during the mid-20th century and has since become a staple in many specialty coffee shops worldwide.


To prepare a Long Black, you start with a double shot of espresso, which is extracted using an espresso machine. The double shot is then poured over hot water, creating a strong and rich coffee beverage. The hot water helps preserve the crema, the golden layer of foam on top of the espresso, resulting in a well-balanced flavor profile.

Taste and Characteristics

Long Blacks have a robust flavor with pronounced notes of espresso. The addition of hot water helps to mellow the intensity of the espresso, resulting in a smooth and less acidic taste compared to a straight espresso shot. The crema adds a velvety texture to the drink, enhancing the overall experience.

Unraveling the Americano

Long Black vs Americano

Origins and Background

The Americano, also known as Caffè Americano, has its roots in Europe, particularly during World War II. It was created to cater to American soldiers stationed in Italy who found the local espresso too strong for their taste buds. Since then, the Americano has become a popular choice in cafes across the globe.


The preparation of an Americano involves diluting an espresso shot with hot water. Unlike the Long Black, which has the espresso poured over the hot water, the Americano is prepared by adding hot water to the espresso. This method allows for more control over the strength and flavor of the drink.

Taste and Characteristics

Americanos have a milder taste compared to Long Blacks due to the higher water-to-espresso ratio. The additional hot water creates a smoother and less concentrated coffee experience. While Americanos lack the crema found in Long Blacks, they feature a pleasant aroma and a clean finish.

The Difference Between Long Black vs Americano

The main difference between a Long Black and an Americano is in their preparation. A Long Black is made with two shots of espresso poured over hot water, while an Americano is made with one shot of espresso and hot water.

As a result, the Long Black is stronger in flavour and has less caffeine than an Americano. A Long Black also does not contain milk or foam components like an Americano does.

How to Make a Long Black & An Americano At Home

Making these two classic coffee beverages at home is simple and easy! To make a Long Black, all you need is two shots of espresso and hot water. To start, add the espresso to a mug or glass and slowly pour in boiling water until it reaches the desired strength and flavour.

For an Americano, begin by adding your preferred number of espresso shots to a mug or glass, then top up with hot water for a milder cup of coffee.

How to make Long Black coffee?

  1. Start by adding two shots of espresso to a mug or glass.
  2. Slowly pour in hot water until the coffee reaches your desired strength and flavor.

How to make an Americano?

  1. Begin with one shot of espresso in a mug or glass.
  2. Top up with hot water until the coffee reaches your desired strength and flavor.

Which is stronger Americano or Long Black?

Long Black is the stronger of the two coffees, as it contains double the amount of espresso. The added hot water in an Americano dilutes the coffee, making it milder and less intense in flavor.

However, since an Americano contains more caffeine than a Long Black due to its lesser amount of water, some people may find it to be stronger in terms of its caffeine content. Ultimately, it depends on the individual’s preference.

Long Black vs Americano: Which one is for you?

When it comes down to choosing between Long Black and Americano, the decision is all up to personal preference. Both drinks are delicious in their own way, and if you like a strong, full-bodied cup of coffee then the Long Black might be your go-to. If you’re looking for something milder with a more traditional taste, then an Americano is definitely the drink for you. Whichever one you choose – enjoy it!

Taste the Difference

Now that you know the difference between Long Black and Americano, it’s time to try them out for yourself! Whether you choose one or both – make sure to savor every sip of these delicious drinks. Have fun experimenting with different types of espresso and brewing methods to find the perfect combination for your taste buds. Enjoy!

How Much Caffeine is in a Long Black or Americano?

The amount of caffeine in a Long Black or Americano can vary depending on the espresso and hot water used. Generally speaking, an 8-ounce (227mL) cup of Americano contains approximately 77 mg of caffeine while a Long Black made with two shots of espresso has roughly 88mg to 95mg of caffeine per serving. 

This can vary significantly depending on the brewing method and espresso used.  As such, it is best to consult a barista or coffee expert for more accurate caffeine amounts.

What are the Benefits of Drinking a Long Black or an Americano?

The benefits of drinking a Long Black or an Americano are numerous! Both drinks have relatively low sugar content, and they provide a good amount of caffeine to give you the energy boost you need throughout your day. Additionally, these two coffee beverages can help improve alertness, concentration and focus – perfect for those long days at work or school!

Composition of Americano vs Long Black:

An Americano is typically composed of one shot of espresso and topped off with hot water, while a Long Black coffee consists of two shots of espresso and much less hot water. The amount of caffeine in each drink can vary depending on the brewing method and espresso used. As such, it is best to consult a barista or coffee expert for more accurate caffeine amounts.

Which is more expensive, Long Black or Americano?

The cost of a Long Black vs an Americano can vary depending on where you get them from and the size of your order. Generally, an Americano is a bit cheaper than a Long Black because it requires less espresso and therefore costs less to make.

However, this can vary from cafe to cafe so it’s best to check with your local coffee shop for exact prices.  Ultimately, the decision comes down to personal preference and budget considerations.

The benefits of each type of coffee:

The benefits of drinking Long Black and Americano are numerous! Both drinks have relatively low sugar content, and they provide a good amount of caffeine to give you the energy boost you need throughout your day.

Additionally, these two coffee beverages can help improve alertness, concentration and focus – perfect for those long days at work or school! Furthermore, the coffee shop experience is enhanced by the aroma and taste of these drinks, making them a great choice for anyone looking to relax and enjoy their favorite cup of coffee. 

So go ahead, experiment with different types of espresso and brewing methods to find the perfect combination for your palate!  Enjoy!

Which type of coffee should I choose: Americano or Long Black?

Which type of coffee you should choose ultimately depends on your personal preference. Those who like a strong, full-bodied cup of coffee will likely prefer the Long Black while those who favor something milder with a more traditional taste will probably go for an Americano.

Additionally, consider the cost as well as the caffeine content when making your decision. An Americano typically contains less caffeine than a Long Black and is usually cheaper to make. Ultimately, the decision comes down to personal preference and budget considerations. 

Related article:
Americano vs Cappuccino

Long Black vs Americano: Which is better?

The answer to this question ultimately comes down to personal preference. Those who like a strong, full-bodied cup of coffee will likely prefer the Long Black while those who favor something milder with a more traditional taste may find an Americano to be better suited for their needs.

Key Differences Between Long Black vs Americano

  1. Preparation Method: Long Blacks involve pouring espresso over hot water, while Americanos mix hot water into the espresso.
  2. Flavor Profile: Long Blacks have a robust and rich taste with a velvety crema, whereas Americanos offer a milder and less acidic flavor.
  3. Crema Presence: Long Blacks retain the crema from the espresso, while Americanos typically lack the golden foam on top.
  4. Water-to-Espresso Ratio: Americanos have a higher water-to-espresso ratio, resulting in a more diluted taste compared to Long Blacks.


Which type of coffee has more caffeine: Americano or Long Black?

Generally, a Long Black will have more caffeine than an Americano due to its higher espresso content.

What are the benefits of drinking Long Black and Americano?

Both drinks have relatively low sugar content, and they provide a good amount of caffeine to give you the energy boost you need throughout your day. Additionally, these two coffee beverages can help improve alertness, concentration and focus – perfect for those long days at work or school! Furthermore, the coffee shop experience is enhanced by the aroma and taste of these drinks.

Which type of coffee should I choose: Americano or Long Black?

Which type of coffee you should choose ultimately depends on your personal preference. Those who like a strong, full-bodied cup of coffee will likely prefer the Long Black while those who favor something milder with a more traditional taste will probably go for an Americano. Additionally, consider the cost as well as the caffeine content when making your decision.

An Americano typically contains less caffeine than a Long Black and is usually cheaper to make. Ultimately, the decision comes down to personal preference and budget considerations. So go ahead, experiment with different types of espresso and brewing methods to find the perfect combination for your palate! Enjoy!

What are the best brewing methods for Long Black and Americano?

Manual pour over, French press, moka pot, and espresso machine all make excellent brewing methods for both coffees. When using an espresso machine, be sure to use a high-quality coffee grind that is designed for espresso and tune the grind size to get the best results.

For manual pour over and French press, a coarser grind is recommended so that the water can pass through the grounds more easily. Additionally, pay attention to your water temperature when preparing these drinks; lower temperatures are generally better for Long Black while higher temperatures work well for Americano.

What is the difference between Long Black and Americano?

The main difference between these two drinks is their espresso content: a Long Black contains double the amount of espresso than an Americano does. As such, the Long Black will have more caffeine and a stronger flavor than an Americano.

Is it possible to make a decaffeinated Long Black or Americano?

A.Yes, it is possible to make a decaffeinated Long Black or Americano. To do so, you will need to use decaffeinated coffee beans and adjust your brewing method accordingly. When using an espresso machine, be sure to use a medium grind size for optimal taste.

Can I make a Long Black or Americano with cold brew coffee?

Yes, it is possible to make a Long Black or Americano with cold brew coffee. The process is slightly different than making a regular Long Black or Americano; instead of using espresso grounds, you will need to use coarsely ground cold brew coffee.

Once the cold brew has been prepared, you can then use your preferred brewing method – French press, manual pour over, moka pot, etc. – to turn it into a Long Black or Americano.

What is the best way to make a Long Black or Americano?

Making the perfect cup of Long Black or Americano requires experimentation and practice. Generally, the best way to make these drinks is with an espresso machine set at a fine grind size for Long Black and medium for Americano.

Are there any special tips for making Long Black and Americano?

Yes, there are several tips to keep in mind when making these two drinks. When using an espresso machine, it is important to use a high-quality coffee grind that is specifically designed for espresso and pay attention to the size of the grind. Additionally, make sure to use the right water temperature; lower temperatures are generally better for Long Black while higher temperatures work well for Americano. 

Can I use any type of coffee beans to make a Long Black or Americano?

Yes, you can use any type of coffee beans to make a Long Black or Americano. However, keep in mind that the flavor of your drink will depend on the quality and roast of the coffee beans used. Generally, dark roasted coffees work best for these two drinks as they have more robust flavors compared to their lighter counterparts.

What is the difference between a Long Black and an Americano?

The main difference between a Long Black and an Americano is the amount of espresso used in each drink. Generally, a Long Black requires two shots of espresso while an Americano only needs one shot. Additionally, a Long Black is more concentrated and has a richer flavor than an Americano due to the higher espresso content.

Furthermore, the brewing method can also affect the taste of each drink; for example, an Americano made with a moka pot may have more body than one made with an espresso machine. Experimenting with different types of coffee and brewing methods can help you find the perfect balance for your tastes. Enjoy!


If you’re wondering whether a Long Black vs Americano is the same thing, the answer is…it depends. If you’re ordering from a café that doesn’t specialize in coffee, chances are that an Americano will be made with hot water and espresso grounds – meaning it will taste different than a Long Black, which is simply espresso poured over hot water.

However, if you order from a specialty coffee shop that knows its stuff, you can expect a rich, flavorful cup of joe regardless of which one you choose. So next time you’re debating between these two classics, go ahead and order whichever one sounds best to you – we promise you won’t be disappointed.


I’m Kara Chavez, and I love coffee. I like to create some of the best coffees around – espressos, lattes, macchiatos – you name it. I strive for perfection in my coffee-making skills, and I take great pride in providing a delicious cup of joe to my customers.

I’ve been working in the coffee industry for years now, and I know everything there is to know about making a perfect cup of coffee. My passion for coffee shines through in every cup that I make, and I hope that you’ll stop by soon so that I can share my love of coffee with you!

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