Cortado vs Flat White: What’s The Difference?

Cortado vs Flat White are two popular coffee drinks that are often mistaken for one another due to their similar names. Yet, Cortado and Flat White differ in both preparation style as well as ingredients; Cortado contains an equal part of espresso and lightly steamed milk while Flat White has more steamed milk than Cortado with micro-foam swirling around the espresso.

Due to their different lingo, Cortado is mostly found in Spain and Portugal while Flat White is a common specialty drink in European cafes; however, this distinction has begun to blur in recent years, as more countries outside Europe have started serving these drinks on their menus.

What is a Cortado?

Cortado vs Flat White

A cortado is a Spanish espresso-based drink made with two parts freshly brewed espresso and one part steamed milk. The result is a velvety smooth beverage that’s rich in flavor but not too overpowering. It typically has a thick, creamy consistency similar to that of warm melted chocolate. The size of the drink usually ranges from 4 to 6 ounces.

What is a Flat White?

Cortado vs Flat White

A flat white is a type of espresso-based beverage that originated in Australia and New Zealand. It’s made with two shots of espresso and steamed milk that’s been aerated using a special foaming wand, resulting in a drink that’s thick, creamy and slightly sweeter than a cortado. The size of this beverage typically ranges from 6 to 8 ounces.

The History of Cortado vs Flat White

Cortado has its roots in Spain, where it was traditionally served as an afternoon pick-me-up drink. It eventually made its way to other parts of Europe and North America in the early 2000s, where it quickly became a popular beverage choice for coffee enthusiasts.

The flat white originated in Australia and New Zealand, where it has been a popular beverage choice since the 1980s. It has recently gained popularity in other parts of the world due to its unique texture and rich flavor.

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Cortado vs Flat White: Taste Test

Cortados are generally more intense than flat whites, with strong notes of espresso that can overpower the milk. The taste is also more bitter, with a creamy finish that’s slightly acidic and slightly sweet.

Flat whites have a lighter but still intense espresso flavor, with sweeter notes of caramel and chocolate. The texture is smoother than a cortado, with a thicker consistency and frothier foam.

So Which One Should You Choose?

If you’re looking for an espresso drink with a little bit of sweetness, then the flat white is the way to go. On the other hand, if you prefer a more full-bodied, rich flavor then the cortado will be right up your alley. Ultimately, it all comes down to personal preference – so why not give both of these delicious drinks a try? After all, sipping on one is half the fun!

What does a Cortado taste like?

A cortado has a velvety smooth texture that’s rich in flavor, but not too overpowering. It has notes of dark chocolate and caramel, and it finishes with the subtle sweetness of steamed milk.

What does a Flat White taste like?

The flat white is similar to the cortado in texture, but it has a slightly sweeter taste. It’s made with two shots of espresso and steamed milk that’s been aerated using a special foaming wand to create a thick and creamy beverage. The sweet notes of the milk help to balance out the bold espresso flavor for an overall smooth, rich experience.

So there you have it – the main differences between a cortado and flat white. Whether you’re a fan of bold, intense flavors or subtle sweetness, one of these drinks is sure to satisfy your taste buds! So go ahead and give them both a try – your palate will thank you for it.

What does a Flat White taste like?

The flat white is similar to the cortado in texture, but it has a slightly sweeter taste. It’s made with two shots of espresso and steamed milk that’s been aerated using a special foaming wand to create a thick and creamy beverage. The sweet notes of the milk help to balance out the bold espresso flavor for an overall smooth, rich experience.

The flat white is also slightly stronger than a cortado, due to the two shots of espresso used in its preparation. However, it still retains a velvety texture and subtle sweetness that makes it an ideal choice for those who prefer milder coffee flavors.

Flat White vs Cortado: What’s the difference?

The main difference between a flat white and cortado is the amount of espresso and milk used. A cortado is made with two parts espresso and one part steamed milk, whereas a flat white uses two shots of espresso with steamed milk that’s been aerated using a special foaming wand.

The result is a drink with a thicker, creamier texture and a slightly sweeter flavor. The size of the drinks also differs – a cortado is typically served in sizes ranging from 4 to 6 ounces, while flat whites are usually between 6 to 8 ounces.

How To Make A Cortado Coffee

To make a cortado, you will need two parts freshly brewed espresso and one part steamed milk. Start by pouring the espresso shot into a cup or mug, then slowly add the steamed milk while stirring with a spoon. Once combined, your drink should have a smooth and creamy texture. If desired, you can also top it off with a small amount of foam for extra indulgence.

How To Make A Flat White Coffee

To make a flat white, you will need two shots of espresso and steamed milk that’s been aerated using a special foaming wand. Start by pouring the espresso shots into a cup or mug, then slowly add the aerated steamed milk while stirring with a spoon. Once combined, your drink should have a thick and creamy texture. As with the cortado, you can also top it off with a small amount of foam for an extra indulgent treat.

How To Make A Flat White Coffee

To make a flat white, you will need two shots of espresso and steamed milk that’s been aerated using a special foaming wand. Start by pouring the espresso shots into a cup or mug, then slowly add the aerated steamed milk while stirring with a spoon.

Once combined, your drink should have a thick and creamy texture. To create the signature flat white look, you can use a special spoon to make latte art on top. This is a technique used by baristas to create unique and creative designs in their coffee drinks. As with the cortado, you can also top it off with a small amount of foam for an extra indulgent treat.

Which has more calories?

The amount of calories in each drink will depend on the ingredients used and how much milk is added. Generally speaking, a cortado contains fewer calories than a flat white because it’s made with less milk. However, both drinks can be enjoyed without worrying about overindulging in calories – they are both relatively low calorie options when compared to other caffeinated drinks.

Which has more caffeine?

Both the flat white and cortado contain two shots of espresso, so they both have a high amount of caffeine. In general, a flat white has slightly more caffeine than a cortado due to the additional steamed milk used in its preparation. However, the difference is minimal – if you’re looking for an energy boost, either drink will do the trick.

What Is The Best Way To Drink A Cortado?

The best way to enjoy a cortado is when it’s freshly made. The espresso and steamed milk should be combined just before drinking, as this will ensure that the flavors are fully developed and balanced. Additionally, you can add some sugar or other flavorings to your taste if desired.

What Is The Best Way To Drink A Flat White?

The best way to enjoy a flat white is when it’s freshly made. The espresso and steamed milk should be combined just before drinking, as this will ensure that the flavors are fully developed and balanced. Additionally, you can add flavoring syrups or spices to your taste if desired. For the full flat white experience, try adding some latte art on top for a special touch.

What Makes the Cortado Stand Out?

The cortado stands out from other espresso-based drinks due to its unique preparation and flavor. Its combination of espresso and steamed milk creates a smooth, creamy texture that’s easy to drink. Additionally, the smaller size makes it perfect for those looking for a quick caffeinated pick-me-up without overindulging.

What Makes the Flat White Stand Out?

The flat white stands out thanks to its thick, creamy texture and signature latte art. The combination of two shots of espresso and steamed milk creates a unique flavor that’s strong yet smooth. Additionally, the larger size makes it ideal for those looking for an indulgent treat on a special occasion.

Cortado And Flat White Recipes:

Cortado Ingredients:

  • 2 shots of espresso
  • 4 ounces of steamed milk
  • Sugar or flavorings (optional)


  1. Pull two shots of espresso into a cup or mug.
  2. Steam four ounces of milk and then pour it slowly over the espresso while stirring with a spoon.
  3. If desired, add sugar or other flavorings to taste.
  4. Enjoy!

Flat White Ingredients:

  • 2 shots of espresso
  • 6 ounces of steamed milk
  • Sugar or flavorings (optional)
  • Latte art (optional)


  1. Pull two shots of espresso into a cup or mug.
  2. Steam six ounces of milk and then pour it slowly over the espresso while stirring with a spoon.
  3. If desired, add sugar or other flavorings to taste.
  4. To create the signature flat white look, use a special spoon to pour latte art on top.
  5. Enjoy!

How to make a flat white Coffee at home?

Making a flat white at home is relatively simple. All you need is two shots of espresso and steamed milk from an espresso machine or a stove-top moka pot. Start by pouring the espresso shots into a cup or mug, then slowly add the steamed milk while stirring with a spoon.

To create the signature flat white look, you can use a special spoon to make latte art on top. Finally, finish it off with a small amount of foam for an extra indulgent treat.

How to make a Cortado Coffee at home?

Making a cortado at home is also relatively simple. All you need is two shots of espresso and steamed milk from an espresso machine or a stove-top moka pot. Start by pouring the espresso shots into a cup or mug, then slowly add the steamed milk while stirring with a spoon.

Once combined, your drink should have a creamy, smooth texture. To finish it off, you can add a small amount of foam for an extra indulgent treat.


Q: What is the difference between a cortado and flat white?

A: The main difference between a cortado and flat white is their size. A cortado has two shots of espresso combined with four ounces of steamed milk, while a flat white has two shots of espresso combined with six ounces of steamed milk.

Q: What is the best way to drink a flat white?

A: The best way to enjoy a flat white is when it’s freshly made. The espresso and steamed milk should be combined just before drinking, as this will ensure that the flavors are at their best. Additionally, you can add sugar or other flavorings to your taste if desired.

Q: How do I make a flat white at home?

A: Making a flat white at home is relatively simple. All you need is two shots of espresso and steamed milk from an espresso machine or a stove-top moka pot. Start by pouring the espresso shots into a cup or mug, then slowly add the steamed milk while stirring with a spoon. To create the signature flat white look, you can use a special spoon to make latte art on top. Finally, finish it off with a small amount of foam for an extra indulgent treat.

Q: How do I make a cortado at home?

A: Making a cortado at home is also relatively simple. All you need is two shots of espresso and steamed milk from an espresso machine or a stove-top moka pot. Start by pouring the espresso shots into a cup or mug, then slowly add the steamed milk while stirring with a spoon. Once combined, your drink should have a creamy, smooth texture. To finish it off, you can add a small amount of foam for an extra indulgent treat.

Q: Can I make either coffee without an espresso machine?

A: Yes! Both drinks can be made with a stove-top moka pot. Simply heat the water in the bottom part of the pot and fill the filter basket with ground espresso. Once it is boiling, slowly pour in steamed milk while stirring with a spoon for each drink. If desired, you can add sugar or other flavorings to taste. Finally, enjoy your freshly made coffee.

Q: What is the best way to make latte art on top of my flat white?

A: Latte art can be made by slowly pouring steamed milk into your mug or cup with a special spoon. The goal is to create an attractive pattern on top of your coffee, such as a heart or leaves, by controlling the height and speed of your pour. If you are new to latte art, practice makes perfect – so don’t get discouraged if it takes some time to master the technique!

Q: Is cortado or flat white stronger?

A: Both drinks have two shots of espresso, but the flat white has more steamed milk, making it less strong than a cortado. Additionally, the flat white often includes latte art on top, which can make it appear more indulgent and flavorful.

Q: Can I add sugar to my cortado or flat white?

A: Yes – if desired, you can add sugar or other flavorings to your taste. However, be careful not to add too much sugar as this can overpower the espresso flavor.

Q: Can I make a flat white or cortado with almond milk?

A: Yes, you can make either coffee with almond milk if desired. Almond milk is slightly sweeter than regular milk, so it may affect the flavor of your coffee. Additionally, almond milk does not foam as well as regular milk, so you won’t get the same fluffy texture or latte art design as with regular milk.

Q: Is there a difference between a cortado and macchiato?

A: Yes, there is a difference between a cortado and macchiato. A cortado has two shots of espresso combined with steamed milk while a macchiato has one shot of espresso combined with a small amount of foamed milk. Additionally, the macchiato usually includes latte art on top.

Q: What are some other variations of espresso-based drinks I can make?

A: There are many variations of espresso-based drinks that you can make. Some popular options include cappuccinos, lattes, and mochas. Additionally, you can also create your own original coffee recipes by experimenting with different flavorings and ingredients. Have fun and get creative!

Q: How can I store my espresso beans to make sure they stay fresh?

A: To keep your espresso beans fresh, it is important to store them in an airtight container away from direct sunlight and moisture. Additionally, the optimal temperature for storing coffee beans is between 15-21°C (59-69°F). Lastly, try to use them within 2 weeks of opening the package for the best flavor.

Q: Are cortado and flat white vegan friendly?

A: Yes, both drinks are vegan friendly as long as you use non-dairy milk such as almond or soy milk instead of regular milk. Additionally, if you are using any flavorings or syrups, make sure to check that they are vegan friendly as well.

Q: Can I add whipped cream to my cortado or flat white?

A: Yes, if desired you can add a small amount of whipped cream on top of your coffee for a more indulgent taste. However, keep in mind that this will add additional calories to your drink. For a lighter alternative, try topping it with some ground cinnamon or cocoa powder instead.

Q: Are espresso-based drinks suitable for children?

A: While some children may enjoy the mild flavor of espresso-based drinks, it is best to avoid serving them to young children as these drinks contain caffeine. Additionally, the espresso in these beverages can be quite bitter for some younger palates. If you would like to serve an espresso-based drink to a child or teen, opt for one that has been diluted with extra milk and/or cream and is lightly sweetened. This will make the drink more palatable and enjoyable for children and teens.

Q: Is espresso-based drinks suitable for pregnant women?

A: As with any caffeinated beverage, pregnant women should limit their consumption of espresso-based drinks while they are expecting. Overconsumption of caffeine has been linked to potential health risks for pregnant women and their babies.

However, if you would like to enjoy a cup of coffee occasionally while pregnant, opt for an espresso-based drink prepared with extra milk and/or cream as this will reduce the amount of caffeine you are consuming. Additionally, make sure to check with your health care provider before drinking any caffeinated beverages while


If you’re looking for a delicious drink to enjoy, you should consider one of Cortado vs Flat White. They’re both equally delicious and will satisfying your caffeine craving. But if you want something with a little more milk, then the Flat White is the way to go.

If you prefer your coffee on the stronger side, then go for the Cortado. Whichever drink you choose, you can’t go wrong.


I’m Kara Chavez, and I love coffee. I like to create some of the best coffees around – espressos, lattes, macchiatos – you name it. I strive for perfection in my coffee-making skills, and I take great pride in providing a delicious cup of joe to my customers.

I’ve been working in the coffee industry for years now, and I know everything there is to know about making a perfect cup of coffee. My passion for coffee shines through in every cup that I make, and I hope that you’ll stop by soon so that I can share my love of coffee with you!

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