One commonly asked question is, “Can you drink coffee with braces?” The answer is not a straightforward yes or no as it depends on several factors. When it comes to having braces, many people are left wondering what foods and beverages they can consume without affecting appliance or treatment.
The main concern when drinking coffee is staining the elastic ligatures or clear brackets used for treatment. While coffee will not damage the braces, it is recommended to limit consumption or use a straw to bypass the brackets and wires.
In this blog post, we’ll look into whether or not drinking coffee with braces is safe and provide some tips on how to do so without putting your dental health at risk.
What Not To Drink When Wearing Braces?
First of all, it is important to understand which beverages are bad for braces. Sugary drinks like sodas and sports/energy drinks should be avoided as they can cause plaque build-up around the brackets and wires.
Citrus juices such as orange or grapefruit juice can also harm the braces by eroding enamel and weakening the bonding material used to attach the bracket to the tooth.
1. Soda:
The sugar and acid in soda can build up around the brackets and wires of braces leading to plaque buildup, discoloration, and cavities.
2. Citrus Juices:
Orange juice or other citrus juices contain high levels of acid which can erode the enamel on teeth making them weak and leading to damage to the bracket.
3. Sports/Energy Drinks:
Similar to soda, these drinks contain high levels of sugar and acid which can cause plaque build up.
4. Coffee & Tea:
Coffee, teas, and some other hot drinks can stain the elastic ligatures used to keep the braces in place.
Can You Drink Coffee with Braces?
The short answer is technically yes but it depends on how you drink it. If you’re drinking coffee with braces, then use a straw to bypass the brackets and wires. This will help protect the braces from staining and will reduce the chance of plaque build-up.
If you prefer to consume coffee without a straw, then try to use cream or milk instead of sugar as this can help prevent staining. Additionally, it is important to always brush your teeth after drinking coffee or any other sugary drink as this will help remove any residue that may be left behind.
Is Drinking Coffee with Braces Safe?
Although coffee does not damage braces, it is still important to exercise caution when drinking it while wearing them. The main concern is staining the elastic ligatures or clear brackets used for treatment.
Coffee can leave a yellowish hue on the braces, which is difficult to remove. If you do decide to drink coffee with braces, it is recommended that you use a straw or clean them regularly with toothpaste and water to prevent staining.
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Should I Drink Coffee With Braces? (What Should I Do?)
Coffee enthusiasts with braces have various options based on the type of braces they have.
Here’s a quick breakdown:
1. Traditional metal/ceramic braces:
Coffee is not as likely to cause staining of the brackets or wires on traditional braces as it would with clear aligners, so it may be a better option if you’re looking to enjoy your favorite beverage while wearing braces. Just remember to brush after drinking and rinse your mouth out well afterwards.
2. Clear Aligners (Invisalign):
It is not recommended to drink coffee while wearing clear aligner braces as it can stain the aligners and cause discoloration. If you must drink coffee, use a straw to bypass the aligners and avoid staining them.
Braces Wearers: What You Need To Know?
Drinking coffee with braces is possible but should be done with caution. You should avoid beverages that are high in sugar and acid, such as sodas and citrus juices, which can damage your braces or cause cavities.
Coffee won’t directly damage the braces, but it can stain the elastic ligatures or clear aligners if not consumed properly. To reduce the risk of staining, use a straw to bypass the appliance, avoid swishing the beverage around your mouth, and brush your teeth afterwards.
With proper care, you should be able to enjoy coffee without damaging your braces.
Can You Drink Coffee With Braces?
Yes, you can drink coffee with braces but exercise caution and take the necessary steps to protect your dental health. Use a straw to bypass the appliance, avoid swishing the beverage around your mouth, and brush your teeth afterwards.
How to Prevent Stains When Drinking Coffee with Braces?
To prevent staining when drinking coffee with braces, use a straw to bypass the appliance, avoid swishing the beverage around your mouth, and brush your teeth afterwards.
Tip 1: Rinse Your Mouth After Drinking Coffee with Braces
If you must drink coffee with braces, then use a straw to bypass the brackets and wires. This will help protect the braces from staining and will reduce the chance of plaque build-up.
Tip 2: Limit the Coffee Intake
It is important to limit your coffee intake when wearing braces. Since coffee can stain the elastic ligatures, it is best to drink in moderation or opt for a different beverage altogether.
Tip 3: Rinse Your Mouth After Drinking Coffee with Braces
Brush your teeth and rinse afterwards to remove any residual plaque build-up caused by the coffee. This will help protect your teeth and braces from any staining or damage.
Tip 4: Consider Alternatives
If you are concerned about staining your braces with coffee, then consider other hot beverages such as green tea or white tea. These drinks contain less acid and can be enjoyed without the risk of staining the braces.
Pros and Cons of Drinking Coffee with Braces?
- Coffee is not as likely to cause staining of the brackets or wires on traditional braces.
- Drinking coffee with a straw can help protect the braces from staining and reduce plaque build-up.
- Brushing your teeth afterwards can help remove any residue that may be left behind.
- Coffee can stain the elastic ligatures or clear brackets used for treatment.
- Swishing the beverage around your mouth increases the chances of staining the braces.
- Coffee is high in sugar and acid, which can damage your teeth and gums if not consumed properly.
Tips for Drinking Coffee with Braces
- Rinse your mouth out immediately after drinking coffee.
- Use a straw to reduce the contact of coffee with your braces.
- Avoid swishing the beverage around your mouth to prevent staining the brackets or clear aligners.
- Brush your teeth and rinse afterwards to remove any residual plaque build-up caused by the coffee.
- Consider alternative hot beverages such as green tea or white tea.
- Limit your coffee intake when wearing braces.
Q: Are there any other beverages that should be avoided while wearing braces?
A: In addition to avoiding sodas, sports drinks, sugary juices and alcohol while wearing braces, it may also be beneficial to avoid other drinks like smoothies or milk shakes as they also contain added sugar.
Q: Is it safe to drink coffee with braces?
A: Yes, it is safe to drink coffee with braces but exercise caution and take the necessary steps to protect your dental health. Use a straw to bypass the appliance, avoid swishing the beverage around your mouth, and brush your teeth afterwards.
Q: How can I prevent staining when drinking coffee with braces?
A: To prevent staining when drinking coffee with braces, use a straw to bypass the appliance, avoid swishing the beverage around your mouth, and brush your teeth afterwards.
Q: What should I do if my braces stain from coffee?
A: If your braces become stained from coffee, the best thing to do is to consult with your orthodontist. Your orthodontist can provide you with advice on how to remove the stain or if the damage is permanent. In some cases, they may recommend replacing the brackets or aligners.
Q: How often can you drink coffee with braces?
A: It is not recommended to drink coffee with braces more than once or twice a week. Be sure to brush your teeth and rinse your mouth after each cup of coffee to prevent staining and plaque buildup.
Q: How does coffee affect braces?
A: Coffee can stain the elastic ligatures or clear braces if not consumed properly. Additionally, coffee is high in sugar and acid which can damage your teeth and gums if not consumed in moderation. Use a straw to bypass the appliance and brush your teeth afterwards to protect your dental health.
Q: Will coffee stain my clear braces?
A: Yes, coffee can stain clear braces if not consumed properly. Use a straw to bypass the appliance and brush your teeth afterwards to protect your dental health.
Q: Can I drink coffee with Invisalign?
A: Yes, you can drink coffee with Invisalign but exercise caution and take the necessary steps to protect your dental health. Use a straw to bypass the appliance, avoid swishing the beverage around your mouth, and brush your teeth afterwards.
Q: What other tips should I follow when drinking coffee with braces?
A: In addition to using a straw and brushing your teeth after each cup, try to limit your intake of coffee when wearing braces. Consider alternative hot beverages such as green tea or white tea that can be enjoyed without the risk of staining the braces.
Q: Is it OK to drink hot drinks with braces?
A: Yes, it is safe to drink hot beverages with braces but exercise caution and take the necessary steps to protect your dental health. Use a straw to bypass the appliance, avoid swishing the beverage around your mouth, and brush your teeth afterwards. Avoid drinking scalding hot drinks which can cause painful burns or damage to your braces.
Q: Are cold drinks bad for braces?
A: Cold drinks are generally safe for braces but can cause the brackets and wires to become brittle over time. Be sure to rinse your mouth out after drinking a cold beverage as sugary or acidic drinks can still lead to plaque build-up. Lastly, take care not to chip or damage your braces by biting into hard items such as ice cubes.
Q: What can I not drink with braces?
A: In addition to soda and other sugary drinks, it is best to avoid drinks that are very acidic such as orange juice or sports drinks.
Q: Is Nutella OK for braces?
A: While Nutella is not acidic, it can still increase your risk for plaque buildup and cause staining of the brackets or wires. If you must eat it with braces, use a spoon and be sure to brush afterwards. Eat in moderation and avoid eating any hard items such as whole nuts that could damage the braces.
Q: How long after braces can I eat?
A: It is best to wait at least 30 minutes after having your braces removed before eating or drinking anything. This will give your teeth and gums time to adjust and help reduce the risk of discomfort from orthodontic treatment. Additionally, take extra precautions when eating foods that may cause staining such as coffee, wine or colored fruits and vegetables.
Q: Can I eat noodles with braces?
A: Yes, it is generally safe to eat noodles with braces. Take care not to bite into any hard items such as whole nuts or uncooked pasta that could damage the braces and avoid sauces that are very acidic or sugary. Be sure to brush your teeth afterwards to remove any residual plaque buildup caused by the noodles.
Q: Why can’t I chew with braces?
A: Chewing with braces can damage the brackets or wires, cause discomfort to your mouth, and increase the risk of plaque build-up. Avoid biting into hard items such as ice cubes or whole nuts which could chip, crack or break the appliance and always use a spoon when eating sticky foods like honey or Nutella.
Q: Can you bite into a burger with braces?
A: It is not recommended to bite into a burger with braces. Take your time cutting the burger into smaller pieces or use a spoon to scoop it out of the bun. This will help you avoid damaging your appliance and reduce the risk of plaque buildup caused by sticky or sugary foods.
Q: How long does braces pain last?
A: Braces pain usually lasts a few days after installation or adjustment. To help reduce any discomfort, rinse your mouth with warm salt water or take an over the counter pain reliever such as ibuprofen.
Q: Is it OK to eat french fries with braces?
A: Yes, you can eat french fries with braces but take care not to bite into any hard items such as the skin on the fry which could damage the appliance. Be sure to brush your teeth afterwards to remove any residual plaque buildup caused by the potatoes. It is also best to avoid eating french fries in large quantities or too often as they are high in fat and salt.
Q: Can I drink smoothies with braces?
A: Yes, you can drink smoothies with braces but be sure to rinse your mouth afterwards to remove any residual plaque buildup. Additionally, watch out for smoothies that are made with yogurt, juice, or other sugary ingredients as they can increase your risk of plaque buildup.
Q: What not to eat the first week of braces?
A: It is best to avoid hard, crunchy or sticky foods the first week of braces such as popcorn, nuts, candy bars and chewing gum.
Q: How bad do braces hurt on a scale of 1 to 10?
A: The amount of pain associated with braces can vary depending on the person and type of treatment. On a scale of 1 to 10, most people report feeling discomfort in the range of 3-5 during installation or adjustment. However, some people may experience more intense pain up to a 7 or 8. To help reduce any discomfort, rinse your mouth with warm salt water or take an over the counter pain reliever such as ibuprofen.
Q: Is the first day the worst for braces?
A: The amount of pain associated with braces can vary depending on the person and type of treatment. Most people report feeling discomfort in the range of 3-5 during installation or adjustment, but some people may experience more intense pain up to a 7 or 8.
In conclusion, it’s important to be aware of certain risks associated with drinking coffee while wearing braces. While teeth staining is always a potential issue that needs to be monitored, there is also the risk of developing uncomfortable ulcers or decalcification of the teeth around the brackets and wire.
Thankfully, these undesirable dental effects can be easily managed with good oral hygiene practices: brushing after meals, using fluoride rinses, and using mouthwashes specifically created for those with braces.
A few simple preventive measures can go a long way in preserving the condition of your teeth during your orthodontic journey. Finally, we invite buyers to check out our selection of specialty orthodontic products for more information on how to maintain oral health during this period of transition.
Remember: every step you take will help you enjoy a beautiful smile when your braces are finally removed. Thank you for reading and we wish you all the best!

I’m Kara Chavez, and I love coffee. I like to create some of the best coffees around – espressos, lattes, macchiatos . I strive for perfection in my coffee-making skills, and I take great pride in providing a delicious cup of joe to my customers.
I’ve been working in the coffee industry for years now, and I know everything there is to know about making a perfect cup of coffee. My passion for coffee shines through in every cup that I make, and I hope that you’ll stop by soon so that I can share my love of coffee with you!