12 Differences between a Cappuccino vs Frappuccino

Are you looking for a tasty and creamy coffee-based drink to begin your day? Cappuccino vs Frappuccino are two popular options among many, but each offers its own unique benefits – which one will be the best for you? We’ve broken down both choices so that you can make an informed decision about which one is right for you.

Read on to find out more information about Cappuccinos vs Frappuccinos, from taste and price comparisons to differentiating health effects. Then, go ahead and start sipping deliciousness whichever way suits your fancy!

What Is a Cappuccino?

Cappuccino vs Frappuccino

A cappuccino is an espresso-based beverage that typically consists of equal parts espresso, steamed milk, and foamed milk. It’s topped off with a sprinkle of cocoa powder or cinnamon for flavor. Cappuccinos are usually made with either single or double shots of espresso, and can range from 6 to 8 ounces in size. The drink is intended to be enjoyed slowly, allowing each sip to be savored and appreciated.

What Is a Frappuccino?

Cappuccino vs Frappuccino

A Frappuccino is a blended coffee beverage offered by Starbucks that blends together espresso, ice, frozen milk, and flavoring syrups. It typically contains more sugar than cappuccinos and other espresso-based drinks, so it is often more of a treat than an everyday beverage. Frappuccinos are usually served in 12-ounce sizes.

Taste Comparison

Cappuccinos have a bold, strong flavor thanks to the espresso shots and foamed milk. The sweetness depends on the type of milk used and how much syrup or sugar is added. Frappuccinos also have a bold flavor, but it is usually much sweeter due to the added syrup and ice.

Price Comparison

Cappuccinos tend to be more expensive than Frappuccinos because they are made with espresso shots rather than flavored syrups. However, the cost will ultimately depend on where you purchase your drinks and what size you choose.

Health Comparison

Cappuccinos tend to be healthier than Frappuccinos because they are made with natural espresso shots and milk, rather than added syrups or sugar. Cappuccinos offer a boost of energy due to the caffeine in the espresso shots, as well as important nutrients from the milk. Frappuccinos contain more sugar and calories than cappuccinos, and the added syrups are not typically very nutritious.

Related article:
Nespresso Cold Brew: A Refreshing Twist on Coffee

History of Cappuccino?

The cappuccino was first invented in Italy during the early 1900s, and it has become increasingly popular since then. The beverage is believed to have been created by a Capuchin friar who wanted to add his own touch to traditional espresso drinks. The foam on top is meant to resemble the habits of these monks – hence the name “cappuccino”. The traditional cappuccino is still enjoyed in Italy today.

History of Cappuccino?

The Frappuccino was created by Starbucks in 1993 and launched nationwide in 1995. The drink has become a part of popular culture since its introduction, with people enjoying it as an afternoon pick-me-up or a special treat. It is now available around the world and comes in many different flavors, from classic caramel to limited edition seasonal offerings.

12 Differences between a Cappuccino vs Frappuccino?

  1. Taste: Cappuccinos have a bold, strong flavor while Frappuccinos are usually sweeter due to added syrup and ice.
  2. Price: Cappuccinos tend to be more expensive than Frappuccinos because they are made with espresso shots rather than flavored syrups.
  3. Health Benefits: Cappuccinos tend to be healthier than Frappuccinos because they are made with natural espresso shots and milk, rather than added syrups or sugar.
  4. Origin: Cappuccinos originated in Italy while Frappuccinos were first created by Starbucks.
  5. Size: Cappuccinos typically range from 6 to 8 ounces while Frappuccinos are usually served in 12-ounce sizes.
  6. Preparation: Cappuccinos consist of espresso, steamed milk, and foamed milk while Frappuccino is a blend of espresso, ice, frozen milk and flavoring syrups.
  7. Flavor Profile: Cappuccinos have a bold flavor while Frappuccinos have a stronger sweetness.
  8. Milk: Cappuccinos are usually made with either single or double shots of espresso while Frappuccino is made with cow milk, soy milk and almond milk.
  9. Creamers: Cappuccinos don’t typically include creamers while Frappuccinos often contain creamer for added sweetness.
  10. Sugar: Cappuccinos typically contain less sugar than Frappuccinos due to the added syrup and ice.
  11. Calorie Count: Cappuccinos usually have fewer calories than Frappuccinos because of their lack of added syrups or sugar.
  12. Toppings: Cappuccino is often topped with cocoa powder or cinnamon for flavor while Frappuccino is usually topped with whipped cream.

How to Make a Cappucino at Home?


  • 2 shots of espresso
  • 1 cup steamed milk
  • 2 tablespoons foam or frothed milk
  • Optional cocoa powder, cinnamon, or flavored syrups for topping


  1. Begin by preparing the espresso shots – this can be done with an espresso machine, stovetop espresso maker, or even a French press.
  2. Heat the steamed milk and pour into a cup or mug.
  3. Foam the milk by using a steam wand on an espresso machine or an electric frother – make sure to not over-froth it!
  4. Add the espresso shots to the mug of steamed milk and top with foam or frothed milk.
  5. Optional: add a sprinkle of cocoa powder, cinnamon, or flavored syrups for added flavor.

How to Make a Frappuccino at Home?


  • 2 shots espresso
  • ½ cup ice cubes
  • ¼ cup milk of your choice
  • 2 tablespoons of flavored syrup (vanilla, caramel, etc.)


  1. Begin by preparing the espresso shots – this can be done with an espresso machine, stovetop espresso maker, or even a French press.
  2. Place ice cubes in a blender and blend until crushed into small pieces.
  3. Add the espresso shots, milk of your choice, and flavored syrup to the blender.
  4. Blend all ingredients until smooth and creamy.
  5. Pour into a cup or mug and top with whipped cream if desired.


Q: What is the difference between a cappuccino and a Frappuccino?

A: Cappuccinos have a bold, strong flavor while Frappuccinos are usually sweeter due to added syrup and ice. Cappuccinos tend to be more expensive than Frappuccinos because they are made with espresso shots rather than flavored syrups. Cappuccinos tend to be healthier than Frappuccinos because they are made with natural espresso shots and milk, rather than added syrups or sugar.

Q: What is the history of cappuccino?

A: The cappuccino was first invented in Italy during the early 1900s, and it has become increasingly popular since then. The beverage is believed to have been created by a Capuchin friar who wanted to add his own touch to traditional espresso drinks. The foam on top is meant to resemble the habits of these monks – hence the name “cappuccino”.

Q: What is the history of Frappuccino?

A: The Frappuccino was created by Starbucks in 1993 and launched nationwide in 1995. The drink has become a part of popular culture since its introduction, with people enjoying it as an afternoon pick-me-up or a special treat. It is now available around the world and comes in many different flavors, from classic caramel to limited edition seasonal offerings.

Q: What is the difference between a cappuccino and latte?

A: Cappuccinos are made with espresso shots, steamed milk, and foamed milk while lattes are made with espresso shots and steamed milk. The primary difference is that lattes usually contain more milk than cappuccinos, leading to a milder flavor. Cappuccinos are usually topped with cocoa powder or cinnamon while lattes tend to have sweet syrups added for extra flavor.

Q: Can you make Frappuccino at home?

A: Yes! To make a Frappuccino at home, you will need espresso shots, ice cubes, milk of your choice, and flavored syrup. Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth and creamy. Pour into a cup or mug and top with whipped cream if desired.

Q: What’s the difference between a frappe and a Frappuccino?

A: A frappe is a cold, blended coffee drink that contains brewed coffee, milk, sugar and ice. Frappuccinos are Starbucks’ trademarked version of the beverage which includes espresso shots, milk, syrup and ice. Frappuccinos also typically have whipped cream and other toppings added to them.

Q: Are Cappuccinos healthier than Frappuccinos?

A: Yes, Cappuccinos tend to be healthier than Frappuccinos because they are made with natural espresso shots and milk, rather than added syrups or sugar. Cappuccinos also typically have fewer calories due to the lack of added syrups or sugar.

Q: Is an iced cappuccino a Frappuccino?

A: No, an iced cappuccino is not a Frappuccino. An iced cappuccino is made with espresso shots, cold milk and ice and topped with foam or frothed milk while a Frappuccino is usually made with espresso shots, frozen milk, ice and flavored syrups. It is also usually topped with whipped cream.

Q: Is cappuccino stronger than a latte?

A: Yes, cappuccinos tend to be stronger than lattes because they are made with espresso shots. Lattes usually contain more milk than cappuccinos, leading to a milder flavor. Cappuccinos also typically have less sugar than lattes due to the lack of added syrups.

Q: Can you make a cappuccino without an espresso machine?

A: Yes, it is possible to make a cappuccino without an espresso machine! You can use a stovetop espresso maker or even a French press to prepare the espresso shots needed for your cappuccino. You may also want to use an electric Frother or steamer wand for the foam and frothed milk topping.

Q: What is a macchiato?

A: A macchiato is a type of espresso-based drink that consists of two shots of espresso topped with a dollop of foamed milk. The name “macchiato” means “marked” in Italian, referring to the espresso being “marked” with a small amount of foam. Macchiatos are usually served in a small glass cup or mug.

Q: Can you make a macchiato at home?

A: Yes, it is possible to make a macchiato at home! Begin by preparing two shots of espresso, either using an espresso machine, stovetop espresso maker, or even a French press. Heat the steamed milk and pour into a cup or mug. Foam the milk by using a steam wand on an espresso machine or an electric Frother – make sure to not over-froth it! Add the espresso shots to the cup or mug and top with the foamed milk.

Q: Can you make a Frappuccino with coffee?

A: Yes, it is possible to make a Frappuccino with coffee. Begin by making two shots of espresso using an espresso machine, stovetop espresso maker, or even a French press. Place the espresso shots, ice cubes, milk of your choice, and flavored syrup in a blender and blend until smooth and creamy. Pour into a cup or mug and top with whipped cream if desired.

Q: Can you make cappuccino with instant coffee?

A: Unfortunately, it is not recommended to make cappuccino with instant coffee as the flavor will not be as strong and full-bodied. However, it is possible to make a cappuccino with espresso-style instant coffee or pods, just be sure to follow the package instructions for preparation. You may also want to use an electric Frother or steamer wand for the foam and frothed milk topping.

Q: What is the difference between a cappuccino and a flat white?

A: The primary difference between cappuccinos and flat whites is that cappuccinos are usually made with espresso shots, steamed milk, and foamed milk while flat whites contain espresso shots and steamed milk only. Cappuccinos typically have more foam on top than flat whites, leading to a stronger flavor. Cappuccinos are usually topped with cocoa powder or cinnamon while flat whites tend to have less added ingredients for extra flavor.

Q: Are cappuccinos and mochas the same?

A: No, cappuccinos and mochas are not the same. Cappuccinos are made with espresso shots, steamed milk, and foamed milk while mochas contain espresso shots, steamed or frothed milk and chocolate syrup. Cappuccinos are usually topped with cocoa powder or cinnamon while mochas typically have sweet syrups added for extra flavor.

Q: Are Frappuccinos unhealthy?

A: Frappuccinos can be unhealthy depending on the ingredients used. Frappuccinos usually contain espresso shots, milk, syrup and ice which can add up to a high amount of sugar and calories. To make a healthier Frappuccino at home, opt for low-fat milk and natural sweeteners such as honey or maple syrup.

Q: Is A Frappuccino stronger than a coffee?

A: No, Frappuccinos are not necessarily stronger than coffee as they contain espresso shots which have a similar caffeine content to regular brewed coffee. However, Frappuccinos tend to be sweeter and more flavorful due to the addition of syrups and other ingredients.

Q: What is the difference between coffee and Frappuccino?

A: The main difference between coffee and Frappuccino is that Frappuccinos usually contain espresso shots, milk, syrup and ice while coffees are typically brewed from ground beans. Frappuccinos can also be made with flavored syrups which add sweetness and extra flavor to the beverage. Coffee tends to have a bolder flavor while Frappuccinos tend to be sweeter.

Q: Is a Frappuccino healthier than coffee?

A: It depends on the ingredients used and how it is prepared. Coffee by itself can be considered healthy as long as it is not loaded with sugar or syrups. However,Frappuccinos can contain added syrups and sweeteners, making them higher in calories and sugar than coffee. To make a healthier Frappuccino, opt for low-fat milk and natural sweeteners like honey or maple syrup.

Q: Can you make a cappuccino with almond milk?

A: Yes, it is possible to make a cappuccino with almond milk! You can use any type of almond milk, such as unsweetened almond milk or sweetened almond milk. When preparing the cappuccino, make sure to heat the almond milk before frothing it so that you get a nice and creamy foam.

Q: Does a latte have more caffeine than a cappuccino?

A: No, lattes typically have the same amount of caffeine as cappuccinos. Both drinks are made with espresso shots and usually contain similar amounts of milk so there is not a significant difference in the caffeine content between them. The main difference lies in the flavor profile, with lattes being milder due to more milk and less sugar than cappuccinos.

Conclusion: Cappuccino vs Frappuccino

After discussing the differences between cappuccino and Frappuccino, we can see that these are two unique coffee specialties with some commonalities. Depending on whether you’re looking for a creamy and decadent cup of cappuccino or a cool and creamy Frappuccino, both options provide areas for exploration. And it’s up to the buyer to decide which one is best suited for their needs.

Furthermore, cappuccino and Frappuccino offer various flavored syrups for those who really want to step outside traditional coffee confines. With cafes taking orders online or offering convenient Drive-Thrus as well as open lobbies depending on health restrictions in your region, enjoying your favorite beverage is just moments away!

We invite you to take a journey through the world of speciality coffee drinks starting today! Purchase either a Cappuccino or Frappuccino and start experiencing the boldness from their unique tastes!


I’m Kara Chavez, and I love coffee. I like to create some of the best coffees around – espressos, lattes, macchiatos – you name it. I strive for perfection in my coffee-making skills, and I take great pride in providing a delicious cup of joe to my customers.

I’ve been working in the coffee industry for years now, and I know everything there is to know about making a perfect cup of coffee. My passion for coffee shines through in every cup that I make, and I hope that you’ll stop by soon so that I can share my love of coffee with you!

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